Schooling in Herning & Ikast-Brande
Herning and Ikast-Brande Municipality provide education to all children in the ages of 6 to 16 years.
State schools
The public schools (Folkeskolen) provide education to all children in the ages of 6 to 16 years. In Denmark, there is 10 years of compul¬sory school education. Children start school in August the year they reach the age of six. The first year is kindergarten, followed by nine years’ schooling, which may be supplemented by an optional year in 10th grade.
More information about schools and studies in Herning municipality.
More information about Ikast-Brande municipality.
Teaching for bilingual children
School-age children who cannot speak Danish when they arrive will receive basic Danish language tuition. This takes place in ‘receiving classes’ held at Lundgaardskolen in Herning municipality, and at Ikast Nordre Skole and Ikast Vestre Skole in the municipality of Ikast-Brande.
International school Ikast-Brande
The international school is located in the western part of the city, Ikast. The school has students between the ages of 4 and 16. The International School Ikast-Brande teaches according to the Cambridge Educational Curriculum, which is an internationally recognized standard of education. If you wish to enroll your child at the interna¬tional school, please contact the school.
Read more about the International School Ikast-Brande.
IB programme – Ikast-Brande Gymnasium
The International Baccalaureate is an internationally recognized education with high academic standards and a rigorous assessment policy. If you are looking for an education that stimulates and challenges you but also requires hard work, then the IB at Ikast Gymnasium is the perfect place for you.