Childcare in Herning & Ikast-Brande
Herning and Ikast-Brande Municipality offers childcare. Which option is available for you depends on the age of your children.
Herning and Ikast-Brande municipalities offer various types of daycare. The types are divided into different categories, e.g. daycare mothers: who mind 3-5 children aged between 24 weeks and 2 years 9 months in their own home, daycare institutions, preschools and combined institutions. Read more about the options for daycare in Ikast-Brande and daycare in Herning municipalities.
Parents have the option of choosing private day care, receiving a subsidy for minding their own children, or having their children minded in a neighbouring municipality.
Digital pladsanvisning
Digital Pladsanvisning is a web-based self-ser¬vice system for parents who need childcare in Herning and Ikast-Brande municipalities – or who currently have a child in daycare within the municipalities. If you need to use Digital Pladsanvisning, please contact the Citizen Service Service (Borgerser¬vice) in person and they will guide you.
Herning Citizen Service
Ikast-Brande Citizen Service
International kindergarten
If you want your child to attend a kindergarden, you can choose between the Danish kindergarten and the international kindergarten in Ikast that is a part of International School Ikast-Brande.
For the older children there are youth recreation centers (fritidshjem), after-school care (skolefritidsordning – SFO), and various other clubs for older children in both Ikast-Brande and Herning municipalities.